Thursday, January 27, 2011

State of the Union Analysis

Here is my thoughtful analysis about the President's State of the Union speech Tuesday night.

(crickets chirping)

I didn't see one word of it.  Why should anyone watch a speech from this particular President?  Is there anything he can read aloud to us that actually has any meaning whatsoever?  How many more times do I have to hear him read the same hollow campaign rhetoric?  What he says has no bearing whatsoever on what his administration actually does.  Does anyone out there still believe he even knows anything at all or what he's even saying?  Is it any surprise that the least experienced, least accomplished Presidential candidate we've ever seen is well on his way to being one of the least effective President's we've ever seen?  Watching a speech by this President is a complete and total waste of time.  His words mean nothing. 

I watched all of President Clinton's State of the Union addresses, knowing that Clinton was an outright liar.  But I would watch because his lies had meaning.  I would look for the lies, and try to figure out why he was lying and what he was up to.  But this President is a legitimate empty suit, speaking empty words and phrases.

Does anyone take this President seriously when he spends his first two years in office recklessly spending at previously unthinkable levels and printing massive amounts of money out of thin air, then offers to freeze spending at that ludicrous and unsustainable level and calls it being responsible?  Is there anything that this President is presiding over that is improving, let alone doing well?  Why should I continue to bother listening to a leader who has proven that he has no idea what he is talking about and everything he touches gets worse?

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