Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Epic Fail of Mel Gibson

My three favorite movies are Braveheart, The Patriot, and We Were Soldiers, probably in that order.  All three of course are Mel Gibson movies.  He is an undeniably great actor and a gifted director and producer with incredible accomplishments in the film industry.  Until 2005.  Let's take a brief look at his career in the last five years...
  • Produced and directed Apocalypto (2006), which I didn't think was too bad.
  • Produced a failed sitcom that I've never heard of before looking at his bio today.
  • Played the lead role in Edge of Darkness (2010), which was awful.
So what happened?  Well, Mel Gibson is a drunken racist idiot!  He has publicly admitted to his struggles with alcohol.  During this time of colossal under-achievement, he got divorced, hooked up with a girl Russian that he had a baby with, broke up with her, and he's been in trouble with the law several times.  His life is a wreck.  And he looks like Saddam Hussein.

Many people think that drinking is harmless, but its not.  Gibson has totally wasted his God-given talents for the last 5 years and counting and wrecked his family.  Alcohol used as a diversion from one's reality is especially dangerous, but getting drunk for any reason has consequences.  Ask yourself if drinking is really worth it, and if you need more evidence that it's not, make a list of the positives and negatives that it produces.  That should provide some clarity.

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