Monday, January 10, 2011

The Ministry Example of Christ

A few points about ministry here using the ultimate example, Christ himself...

How did Jesus minister?  He preached, taught, served, mentored, counseled, healed, performed miracles, prophesied, reached the lost and provided an example.

Where did he do these things at?  In people's homes, the streets, in the fields, on mountains, in the wilderness, in the Temple and synagogues, on boats, at parties, and even while on the Cross.

Who did Jesus minister to?  Family, friends, enemies, children, old people, women, men, prostitutes, thieves, tax collectors, the rich, the poor, Jews, gentiles, government officials, and church leaders. 

1.  Jesus ministered in every way, everywhere, to everybody.  He ministered wherever he was to whomever was there.  No exceptions or exemptions. 

2.  He treated his world like a missions field.  He met the needs of the people where they were at, rather than waiting for people to come to him (although people eventually flocked to him in droves because of who he was and the effectiveness of his ministry).

3.  Every method of ministry Jesus used was effective and important, and remains so today.

From the example of Christ himself and his teachings, we know that every believer is called to do something... to serve as best we can with what we have in the context we've been placed.  Whatever the Lord has called us to do is important or else He wouldn't have called us and gifted us to do it.  Serving the Lord is a way of life that must reach beyond the walls of the Church.  And no one is out of reach or beyond hope... just because someone won't go to church doesn't mean we can't try to reach them anyways.  If Christians today would just take what they've been given and honor Him with it by serving others, fewer souls would be left on the battlefield and America and the world would be in a different place right now.

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