Monday, December 6, 2010

Heated, pounded... forged.

In order to shape metal into something useful, intense heat is applied to the metal (iron or steel).  The heat softens the metal to a point where it can be hit and pounded into what the blacksmith wants it to be.

As the old adage goes, nobody ever said life was going to be easy.  Christ certainly didn't promise a life free of trial and trouble, quite the opposite in fact.  But He did guarantee that He loves us and works for the good of those who serve Him in every situation.  Even though we face the intense heat of opposition or the pounding of life's cirumstances, as long as we remain faithful to Him, he'll use that to forge us into something stronger and more useful than we were before. 

Romans 5:3 says "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope."  When we go through tough times as believers, we have to keep pressing on in trusting and serving Him.  He'll make us stronger and deliver hope.  However, the key is perseverance.  Too many of us give up on serving God when things get difficult.  What happens when we quit?  Nothing.  The circumstances of life don't change, we don't grow, and hope is abandoned.  It leads us to a place of stagnancy, under-achievement, guilt, depression, and bitterness.  Problems compound.  And worse of all, it separates us from God and our calling and purpose in this life.

If you're feeling the heat or taking a pounding, be encouraged and stay faithful.  Get back to doing the things you know He's called you to do, and know that He is forging you into the person He needs you to be to reach your true destiny in Him.  Just don't give up on the One who has never given up on you. 

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