Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hangin' up my Keys

Well, I have very little good to say about my former company, so I won't waste the time on it.  But over the 7 years and 9 months I worked there, I've worked with and for some of the coolest and weirdest people I've ever met.  Some day I may put some of my experiences with customers and co-workers into writing, but tonight, I just want to acknowledge some of the people that I've particularly enjoyed working with over the years (at the risk of forgetting some of you, I apologize in advance)...

Stephanie Sohl hired me in February of 2004, having previously worked with me at another company.  It has been a pleasure working for you off an on for the last decade.  You've been the best boss I've had and a good friend.  I also enjoyed working for Natalie Baxter (even though she's crazy) and Jon Tallman (even though he's crazy).  I very much disliked both of you initially, but as time went on I had fun and would work for both of you again (somewhere else, of course).

I've worked with a ton of assistant managers since I've been here, but to name a few... I had a blast making fun of poor Kelly Allomong for my first few years back in Amherst.  No matter how bad our day was going (especially on Wild Wild Wednesdays), I could could always count on her to be an outlet for my disgust and she always understood I never meant any of it.  Most of it.  Same thing for Nicole Woch.  They both seemed to have terrible luck on their shifts and I enjoyed making fun of them through it all.  It was therapeutic.  But there are few I'd rather work with when things got crazy.  I worked with Amanda Dotson for four years, and I'm still thankful I didn't have to deliver her baby.  I am happy for Amanda and Samantha Jackson, and Julia Thomas before them, for finally getting to move on to better things... you all deserve it.  And congrats to my dego buddy Jonathan Hussey for retaining his position and continued opportunity to provide for his new family. 

I always got along with my fellow drivers, but I'll mention Mark Fox and Elizabeth Tomaszewski.  We held it down back in the day. 

There are three other people that I would like to acknowledge... Mike Kastanis, Megan Schreiner, and Mike Witt.  I had a blast getting to know you and I miss each of you.  If you ever need anything, let me know.

But on to better things, at long last.  Y'all take care and God bless.

(Now all of you I forgot to mention can proceed to sending me your hate, I will understand)... 

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