Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rally Point: What the heck is it?

Here's a Q&A with myself regarding Rally Point (RPM)...

What the heck is Rally Point?  It's a ministry.

Wise guy, eh?  Can you elaborate a little bit on that?  Who is Rally Point for?  Well, Rally Point seeks to minister to young men ages 18-25ish.  That's really the only restriction.  Anybody meeting that criteria is welcome, doesn't matter who you are or where you've been or what you've done. 

Where does Rally Point meet?  We currently meet at Dunkin' Donuts on Abbe Road in Elyria, across the street from the college, Sunday nights at 7pm. 

So you started a ministry that meets in a donut shop?  Who would've guessed that?  So what is this, some kind of donut church or something?  Rally Point is not a church, isn't affiliated with any church or denomination, and isn't meant to be a replacement or alternative to going to church.

Alright, geez.  It's not a church.  So if Rally Point isn't supposed to be an alternative to church, why have it?  Why is it needed?  Or is this just about the donuts?  There are a lot of young men that, for whatever reason, aren't involved with a local church and don't want to be, and the Church (as a whole) has not been effective in reaching them.  It's my belief that just because a young guy won't go to church doesn't make him unreachable.  For years, the Church has been talking about America being a mission field, and I concur.  Do missionaries go into a foreign land and build a church and just expect people to show up?  No, they get in on the ground and try to reach people where they are, and young adults today aren't in church.  What's more, this generation is highly skeptical of church, and the American church has largely earned it's reputation, unfortunately.  So RPM is here to reach guys that aren't going to be reached by conventional church ministry.

Man, you're a hater.  So are you planning on starting your own church if you think the Church really sucks like that?  Are you paying attention or just asking questions and then eating donuts while I answer?  I didn't say the Church sucks, I said this generation thinks it does.  I think the Church is important, and I will be encouraging young guys to get in one and get involved.  The objective is to direct guys into a real relationship with Christ and mature spiritually as a man, help them find out what they're calling is and then inspire them to go out and do it.  The belief is that as young Christians grow, the Lord will reveal to them what He has for them to do in life and He'll direct and guide them to the place where He wants them to serve.  Young guys are looking for direction, and RPM wants to help them find it.   

I'll give you that.  So what does RPM actually DO or is it just some theoretical concept you've devised to justify meeting in a donut shop on a weekly basis?  Our weekly meetings on Sunday nights usually consist of a bible study or discussion that seeks to find practical answers to real life issues.  This generation doesn't want high theological debates or complex expository sermons, it needs something real that they can apply to their lives, and the Word has those answers.  We also do occasional activities and events.  Guy stuff that is easy to invite the bros to.  We eat a lot and don't apologize for it, either.   

Amen to that, Reverend Raven.  So what is the inspiration behind the name Rally Point?  Reverend Raven is my cousin's blues band in Chicago.  I'm not a pastor and don't really have any plans of being one.  But to answer your question... In battle, the rally point is a designated place to meet in the event that your outfit gets scattered.  You meet back at the rally point and regroup for the next phase of battle.  The youth and young adults of America have been scattered by the enemy, and we seek to provide a rally point for the wounded, scattered, and lost to regroup, get healthy, and move on to victory in life.  That rally point is Christ.  Also the initials for Rally Point Ministries is RPM, which I think is pretty cool.

That is kinda cool.  I like it.  But do you think this is actually going to work?  Beats me, but I felt the Lord calling me to decisive action and strong commitment, so I'm rollin' with it.  I certainly think RPM has potential to make a difference in the lives of young men and I'm excited about that.  It's probably going to be tough going with plenty of ups and downs, but so far, so good.  We've got a good core group of guys that I think highly of and we're gettin' down to business.  We believe that if we're faithful and obedient, God will meet us at the Rally Point and do some awesome things this year. 

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