Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Some random observations from the last week...

  • If Super Bowl Sunday is going to be an American holiday, it needs to start acting like one. 
  • Christina Aguilera predictably butchered the national anthem.  The singing of the Star-Spangled Banner before sporting events is supposed to be a moment when we as Americans take time to honor America and our freedom that allows us to enjoy our way of life.  Choosing a self-promoting former pop star to perform inevitably led us to the result that followed--an unworthy rendition.  For an event as big as the Super Bowl, the national anthem should be stirring and inspiring and there is no shortage of people who can make that happen.  The NFL should look to this year's NFC Championship game in Chicago for an example.  Now that's what I'm talkin' about.  
  • The halftime "entertainment" was one of the most ridiculous spectacles I've ever seen.  I honestly don't know or understand what I saw, but I do know that Zak Johnston believes in aliens again.
  • Many people watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.  I am now considering starting an advertisement agency, because I know I can put together a group of friends of mine that can come up with something better for each company that spent millions on that nonsense in a matter of hours.  Ask yourself what commercials you remember and why you remember them and if you can remember what the commercial was advertising.  I remember seeing Ozzy Osbourne speaking in unknown tongues for some unknown company, a guy feeding Doritos to dead goldfish, an endless barrage of movie trailers that solidifies 2011 as the Year of the Nerd, and Roseanne getting plowed over by a log (loved that one).  Either the ad people are idiots, the ad people believe we the public are idiots, or we the public actually are idiots. 
  • The Rite was an interesting flick.  It's an exorcist movie, but not your typical one.  I thought through much of the movie that they were aiming to make a certain point, but it ended up being something completely different (I like movies that at least maintain some sense of uncertainty throughout or offer some surprise ending).  Anthony Hopkins was brilliant, as usual.
  • I also saw The Mechanic this week.  This is a movie about killin', pure and simple, and predictable.  Didn't do anything for me. 
  • I ate at two restaurants I've never been to last week.  I tried Fiesta Jalapenos in North Ridgeville Saturday night.  As far as Mexican places go, this is one of the best I've been to (disclaimer:  I do not frequent Mexican restaurants and despise refried beans).  The Chimichangas were good.  I also tried the new Asian World Buffet on Cleveland Street in Elyria.  We arrived at 7:00 PM (they're open until 10PM) and there was very little left on the buffet.  The food doesn't compare favorably with any similar restaurant in the area, but try it if you must.  It did give me a greater appreciation for the New Chinatown Buffet in Sheffield. 
  • I enjoyed Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy on the History Channel last night.  Looks to be an interesting and entertaining new show about things that are uniquely American.  Last night's episode was about making and running moonshine and how that birthed NASCAR, an etiquette lesson from the descendants of the lady who wrote the book on etiquette, and frog jumping.  Next week he'll be eating in a swamp, goes undercover with the clowns at the circus, and races in the soap box derby.  America has a long history and heritage of being, at its core, hillbilly, and there's nothing wrong with that.

1 comment:

  1. Random thoughts while reading this blog.
    That national anthem guy goes Ham! I think he is Canadian or something..? Ironic...
    Halftime is the only opportunity to use the restroom and get a refill. Def not worth watching. Hasn't been since Janet Jackson. (HA)
    Fiesta Jalapeno is the best Mexican restaurant in the area. I have tried most of them. A place Mess-CAL can look up to...
    (Not that)New Chinatown Buffet is the bomb...
    Larry the Cable guy is not funny, and very played out. Two- (BIG) Thumbs way down...
