Monday, November 15, 2010

Loseapolooza: Our ongoing weight loss competition...

I used to weigh quite a bit, at one time over 280 lbs.  A few years ago, I got back into backpacking and hiking, losing a bunch of weight and keeping it off.  However, the last few months things got a little crazy for me and I let myself go a bit.  I mentioned to Zak Johnston recently that I was going to get back on track, and he decided not only was he going to do the same, but foolishly challenged me to a competition of weight loss.  Never backing down from such a challenge, we decided on a seven week period in which we would measure our weight loss (by percentage, since we are different weights).  Upon hearing of this challenge, Dan Ferren and Jacob Raven decided to join in.  Dan challenged me two years ago and lost in epic fashion (we started at the same weight and when I crossed the finish line, he weighed 35 lbs more than me).   To date, he has not made good on the wager and bought me ice cream.  Anyhow, we are two weeks in, and remarkably, Jacob has lost five lbs, a stunning achievement that has sent shock waves through the competition (although not good enough for the lead at this point).  Five weeks to go, but many challenges lie ahead, including the holidays and Carlos getting a job a Dunkin' Donuts (donuts are my kryptonite).  So far so good, though... feel free to leave a comment as to which horse you'd put your money on in this thing.       

1 comment:

  1. Dan says he is CRUSHING the competition and growing a beard... He has a gift...
