Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What I've Been Up to Lately

I haven't bogged much in the last several months, but trust me, its not that I haven't had some things to write about. Hopefully I'll find the time to opine on the insanity going on in Washington, the tragedy occurring in many American churches, the surprising Indians pennant race, and all the good stuff. The last few months, however, I've been working a lot, but I've also been doing some things to make some extra cash. On weekends, I've been hitting the flea markets and garage sales in search of things I can turn a profit on. Picking, if you want to call it that (although I shy away from that term because of its association with those dweebs on the History Channel). I haven't made much doing it yet, but I have turned a profit and enjoy doing it. More recently, I've started selling watches on the internet. Mostly antique pocket watches, but other watches as well. I've enjoyed learning about watches, internet commerce, and the postal service thus far, and it too looks to be profitable although frustrating at times. The big drawback to being busy making money is that I have not been able to do one roadtrip yet this year, which is a personal tragedy. RPM, the young adult ministry I started at the beginning of the year, continues on. Attendance has been inconsistent this summer, but its all good. God has been doing some good things, thought. I've been really busy, but I do hope to write on a few subjects, soon. This new Blogger app for my Droid should allow me some more flexibility (I'll have to confess to writing this while at work today, some of it while driving). And now I get to see if this app really works...

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